Photo credit: In Search of Small Things
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Begonia kui ‘Dark’ is a fuzzy rhizomatous Vietnamese species. New leaves come out pink-purple, and then darken as the leaf matures, to dark purple-brown with silver palmate leaf markings. It requires high (>70%) humidity and a warmer environment but even as a slower grower, will reward you with stunning leaves. The ‘dark’ variety has an overall darker colouration and less prominent banding.
Species | B. kui |
Region | South East Asia |
Country | Vietnam |
Year published | 2007 |
Date of Origin | |
Plant Type | Cane-like |
Section | Coelocentrum |
Chr 2n | 30 |
Endangered Status | - |
🌡️ | 24 to 30C |
💦 | Higher Humidity (>60%) |
Care notes | Well draining substrate |
Photo credit: In Search of Small Things
Species / Cultivar | B. kui |
Form Varieties | ‘Dark’ |
Author | C.-I Peng, Bot. Stud. (Taipei) |
Publication Date | 2007 |
Date of Origin | |
Place | N Vietnam |
Habitat | Limestone |
Coelocentrum | Coelocentrum |
Chr 2n | 30 |
Plant Type | Cane-like |
Synonyms and Comments | Etymology: after Shin-ming Ku; Purchased from a floral market in Dali City, Taiwan. Allied to B. variegata. |
Reference | Bot. Stud. (Taipei) 48(1): 127 (-132; figs. 1-3). 2007; Hughes M. et al., Asian Begonia 166, 2018 |
Description | New leaves come out pink-purple, and then darken as the leaf matures, to dark purple-brown with silver palmate leaf markings. Leaves are covered in short stiff hairs giving it a fuzzy texture. |
Male Flower | Pinkish |
Female Flower | Pinkish |
Plant Hardiness |
Sun Tolerance | Bright indirect light |
Pests Diseases | |
Temperature | 24 to 30C |
Humidity | High Humidity (>70%) |
Propagation Method | |
Comments | Slower growing species. |
Offspring of: | NA |
Female Parent Of | NA |
Male Parent Of | NA |
In Cultivation? | Yes |
References: In Search of Small Things
Photo Credits: In Search of Small Things