Photo credit: Irwan Gohor

Photo credit: Irwan Gohor

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Begonia carnosa is a species found in Sulawesi, Indonesia. It was first collected and described back in 1863. It was never found again at its original collection point at Kapetaran, Minahasa till 2021 over 150 years later in Tumpaan, South Minahasa.

Species Bcarnosa
Region South East Asia
Country Indonesia
Year published 1863
Date of Origin 2011
Plant Type Rhizomatous
Section Petermannia
Chr 2n -
Endangered Status Critically Endangered (CR), B1ab(iii)+B2ab(iii)
🌡️ 15 to 30C
💦 Higher Humidity (>60%)
Care notes Well draining substrate

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Photo credit: Irwan Gohor

Photo credit: Irwan Gohor

Detailed information

General Info

Photo credit: Irwan Gohor

Photo credit: Irwan Gohor

Species Cultivar B. carnosa
Form Varieties
Author Teijsm. & Binn
Publication Date 1863
Date of Origin
Place Kapetaran (Kapataran), Minahasa, and the recently collected specimens from Tumpaan, South Minahasa
Habitat The recent collection and further observations were made in a residential area in the Tumpaan district
Section Petermannia
Chr 2n -
Plant Type Rhizomatous
Synonyms and Comments
Reference Epim. Lugd. Bat.: 4. 1863


Description Perennial, monoecious herb with creeping stems, rooting at the nodes when in contact with the substrate, up to c.20 cm tall, sparsely hairy with white hairs up to c.1 mm long. Stem creeping, internodes 0.5–2 cm long, greenish or reddish. Leaves basifixed, alternate; stipules persistent, 5–6 × 3–5 mm, ovate, with an abaxially slightly prominent midrib projecting up to 3 mm at the apex, margin recurved in mature stipules, pinkish, glabrous; petioles 4.5–16 cm long, terrete, reddish, moderately hairy with white hairs up to 2 mm long; lamina 6.5–12 × 5–9 cm, asymmetrical, ovate to suborbicular, base cordate and lobes sometimes slightly overlapping, apex acuminate, margin entire to broadly dentate or sometimes shallowly lobed (up to 20% of leaf width), adaxial surface light green, glabrous, abaxial surface pale green, hairy on the veins, primary veins 6–8, actinodromous, secondary veins craspedodromous
Male Flower male inflorescences racemose- cymose (a thyrse), composed of up to 3 cymose partial inflorescences, branching dichasially or dichasially at the base and monochasially in distal part, each with 5–8 flowers, peduncles of partial inflorescences 2.5–7 cm long, pink-reddish, glabrous
Female Flower female inflorescences 1- or 2-flowered, basal to male inflorescences, peduncles 1–5 cm long, pale green-reddish, glabrous, bracts persistent, ovate, 3–5 × 2–4 mm, pale green, translucent, glabrous
Plant Hardiness Very sensitive in cultivation

Care & Propagation

Sun Tolerance Half to full shade
Pests Diseases
Temperature ~25 degree
Humidity High Humidity (>80%)
Propagation Method

Lineage & Availability

Offspring of: NA
Female Parent Of none in our records
Male Parent Of none in our records
In Cultivation? No


Photo Credits: Irwan Gohor