Photo credit: T.TAN

Photo credit: T.TAN

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A Thai hybrid from Nathan Greenleaf in Thailand. It has small light green ovate leaves that with a smooth surface and prominent silver-white spots. A hardy hybrid, it can tolerate a range of lighting conditions including up to full light for extended periods of time.

It is often mislabeled as ‘Arial’ but whilst similar, ‘Uncle Beazley has a more upright growth, lighter green shaded leaves with a dark red back and white to pink flowers. ‘Aerial’ has orange flowers and darker green leaves.

Name B. ‘Uncle Beazley’
Region Asia
Country Thailand
Year published -
Date of Origin 2020
Plant Type Cane-like
Section -
Chr 2n -
Endangered Status NA
🌡️ upper 35C
💦 Higher Humidity (>60%)
Care notes Well draining substrate

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Credit: T.TAN

Credit: T.TAN

Detailed information

General Info

Photo credit: T.TAN

Photo credit: T.TAN

Credit: T.TAN

Credit: T.TAN

Species/ Cultivar B. ‘Uncle Beazley’
Form Varieties -
Author -
Publication Date -
Date of Origin 2020
Place Thailand
Habitat NA
Section -
Chr 2n -
Plant Type Cane-like
Synonyms and Comments A Thai hybrid from Nathan Greenleaf in Thailand. It is often mislabeled as ‘Aerial’ but whilst similar, ‘Uncle Beazley has a more upright growth, lighter green shaded leaves with a dark red back and white to pink flowers. ‘Aerial’ has orange flowers and darker green leaves.

"Uncle Beazley is the name of the triceratops in the book The Enormous Egg by Oliver Butterworth, which was one of our favorite books when we were little kids. When we created our first Begonia hybrid, we thought the name Uncle Beazley was the perfect fit as it represents the love that we share for the book and now for begonias. The distinctly sharp margin of the leaves also matches well with the horns of a triceratops.”- Picnic Basket Garden | | Reference | |


Description Small light green ovate leaves that grow in an alternate manner with a glabrous (smooth) surface and prominent silver-white spots.
Male Flower White to pink
Female Flower White to pink
Plant Hardiness

Care & Propagation

Sun Tolerance Moderate indirect light
Pests Diseases
Temperature 24 to 35C
Humidity Moderate to high humidity
Propagation Method
Comments Can tolerate a range of lighting conditions including up to full light for extended period.

Lineage & Availability

| Offspring of: | Female: B. dregei “partita” Male: B. maculata wightii. | | --- | --- | | Female Parent Of | none in our records | | Male Parent Of | none in our records | | In Cultivation? | NA |

References: Nathan Greenleaf

Photo Credits: T.TAN

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