Photo credit: Darren Heppel

Photo credit: Darren Heppel

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A US hybrid from Darren Heppel. It has light olive green leaves with multiple small bullae. It does well in a loose well drained mix and being allowed get fairly dry between watering. Extra humidity is needed for this plant to thrive.

Name B. ‘The Iron Maiden’
Region USA
Country USA
Year published -
Date of Origin 2022
Plant Type Rhizomatous
Section -
Chr 2n -
Endangered Status NA
🌡️ upper 35C
💦 Higher humidity >70%
Care notes Well draining substrate

Photo Gallery

Photo credit: Darren Heppel

Photo credit: Darren Heppel

Photo credit: Darren Heppel

Photo credit: Darren Heppel

Detailed information

General Info

Photo credit: Darren Heppel

Photo credit: Darren Heppel

Photo credit: Darren Heppel

Photo credit: Darren Heppel

Photo credit: Darren Heppel

Photo credit: Darren Heppel

Species/ Cultivar B. ‘RedRum’
Form Varieties -
Originator Darren Heppel
Publication Date -
Date of Origin 2022
Place USA
Habitat NA
Section -
Chr 2n -
Plant Type Rhizomatous
Synonyms and Comments A US hybrid from Darren Heppel. “Like the many spikes protruding from the Medieval torture device is what gives this begonia it's name. It does well in a loose well drained mix and allowing it to get fairly dry between watering. Extra humidity is needed for this plant to thrive.”


Description Light olive green leaves with multiple small bullae.
Male Flower
Female Flower
Plant Hardiness

Care & Propagation

Sun Tolerance Moderate indirect light
Pests Diseases
Temperature 24 to 35C
Humidity Higher humidity >70%
Propagation Method

Lineage & Availability

| Offspring of: | Female: B. masoniana Male: B. mellanobullata | | --- | --- | | Female Parent Of | none in our records | | Male Parent Of | none in our records | | In Cultivation? | NA |

References: Darren Heppel

Photo Credits: Darren Heppel

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