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Pollinating, hybridisation


Full list of Begonias (except Rexes)


Hybrid Begonias

Rex Cultorum


Asian Begonia Alliance Executive Summary

The Asian Begonia Alliance is a dedicated association that promotes the discovery, cultivation, hybridisation, and conservation of Begonias in Asia. Our goal is to assist members in growing their collections of Begonia plants, seeds, and knowledge. Our association brings together individuals who share a passion for Begonias, and we strive to create a community where members can exchange information, ideas, and experiences.

Our association aims to provide a platform for Begonia enthusiasts to connect with each other, exchange information about new Begonia cultivars, and learn about the latest techniques in Begonia cultivation. We organise events, conferences, and workshops where members can showcase their Begonia collections, share their expertise, and learn from each other.

The Asian Begonia Alliance is also committed to the conservation of Begonia species in Asia. We work with local communities and organisations to protect and preserve the natural habitats of Begonia species, and we encourage our members to grow and propagate endangered Begonia species.

Our association provides a range of resources and services to our members, including access to our seed bank, expert advice on Begonia cultivation, and a network of Begonia enthusiasts. We also publish a regular newsletter that includes articles, tips, and news about Begonias.

In conclusion, the Asian Begonia Alliance is a vibrant and dedicated association that provides a platform for Begonia enthusiasts in Asia to connect, learn, and grow. Our goal is to promote the discovery, cultivation, hybridisation, and conservation of Begonias in Asia, and we are committed to supporting our members in their pursuit of this fascinating and rewarding hobby.


#1: To promote the education, cultivation, hybridisation and conservation of Begonias In Asia #2: To promote the discovery and preservation of unknown Asiatic Begonias through cultivation and maintaining wild populations in their native habitat #3: To assist members to grow their collections of begonia plants, seeds and knowledge


Online community forum- Facebook group Online plant shows / garden tours/ lectures Seed bank Online wiki/reference