<aside> 💡 Our mission is to create an all-inclusive free-for-all community centered around the love and appreciation of begonias. We aim to provide a welcoming and supportive space where begonia enthusiasts from all backgrounds can come together to share their knowledge, experiences, and passion for these beautiful plants. Through collaboration and mutual respect, we strive to foster a community that celebrates diversity and encourages the growth and exploration of begonia cultivation.


Key Tenents of the Begonia Wiki

All are welcome

This resource is free-for-all, welcoming and supportive

The community adds knowledge and wisdom

Registration and listing

Cultivars can be registered or unregistered (with the ABS) but the principle is the same- it is a specific individual plant. We accept and list up both registered or unregistered cultivars, and attribute them to an individual.

We also accept hybrids without cultivars and attribute them to multiple individuals.